Edited by I. Mariani, M. Ciancia, J. Ackermann
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Vol. 1 – Journal (peer-reviewed)
I. Mariani, M. Ciancia & J. Ackermann – Interactive Digital Narratives and Counter-Narratives. Systematising knowledge to derive clusters as lenses of observation
S. Poirier-Poulin – Trust, Confidence, and Hope in A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986: ...
G|A|M|E Issue 9, 2020 – The Taboos of Game Studies
G|A|M|E Issue 9, 2020 – The Taboos of Game Studies
Edited by K. Jørgensen, R. Fassone
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Vol. 1 – Journal (peer-reviewed)
K. Jørgensen, R. Fassone - Introduction: Locating the Taboos of Game Studies
F. Mäyrä - Game Culture Studies and the Politics of Scholarship: The Opposites and the Dialectic
A. Trammell ...
Game Culture Studies and the Politics of Scholarship: The Opposites and the Dialectic
Frans Mäyrä (Tampere University)
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This article explores the early history (and even some prehistory) of game studies from a perspective that is informed by an analysis of claimed opposition between “objective” and “politically committed” research. There is a well-documented and long intellectual history of fundamental disagreements that have set apart ...
Torture, Play, and the Black Experience
Aaron Trammell (UC Irvine)
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This essay considers how the experience of Black folk descended from slaves in North America helps us to rethink a definition of play that has been largely informed by scholars and philosophers working within a White European tradition.[note I invoke the phrase “descended from slaves” ...
“The Führer’s facial hair and name can also be reinstated in the virtual world.” Taboos, Authenticity and the Second World War in digital games
Eugen Pfister (Hochschule der Künste Bern - HKB), Martin Tschiggerl (Universität des Saarlandes) [note The title's quote is from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6095213/Uncensored-swastikas-allowed-video-game-time-20-years-Germany.html]
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History is not only the construction of a past, but is also its interpretation. In this paper we study examples of taboos in historical representations of World War II ...
Invading Space? On Perceived Risk and Doing Research in Game Arcades
Hanna Wirman (ITU Copenhagen), Rhys Jones (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
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This article discusses researchers' personal safety by examining a case of studying game arcades in Hong Kong. We approach personal safety from three perspectives as we focus on 1) safety risks associated with specific spaces, 2) risks in ...
Cardboard Genocide. Board Game Design as a Tool in Holocaust Education
Tomasz Z. Majkowski (Jagiellonian University Krakow), Katarzyna Suszkiewicz (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
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The following paper is a report from a board game design workshop organized by a team of memory scholars, game scholars and Holocaust educators from Jagiellonian University in Kraków for a group of middle school students (age 15-16) ...
Introduction: Locating the Taboos of Game Studies
Kristine Jørgensen (University of Bergen), Riccardo Fassone (Università di Torino)
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What are the taboos of game studies, and is it even possible to identify taboos in a highly interdisciplinary field like game studies? And how are games and game studies tackling topics that are considered cultural or social taboos? ...